Minion masters best decks 2019
Minion masters best decks 2019

Minion masters best decks 2019 update#

In Update 1.31 - Invasion (6 January, 2022), Stormy's attack delay was reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds (4 seconds to 3.In Update 1.29 - Malediction (21 October, 2021), Stormy's health was increased from 125 to 150.In Update 1.28 - Malediction (20 September, 2021), the maximum number of bounces that Chain Lightning (Stormy's attack) can do was increased from 10 to 12.In Update 1.27 - Best Plan NO PLAN! (5 August, 2021), the Zen-Chi Flow effect of Stormy was changed from "Gain +100 Health" to "Stun all enemies in range for 2 seconds".

minion masters best decks 2019

In Update 1.26 - Best Plan NO PLAN! (1 July, 2021), Stormy became unable to capture bridges, since it is a flying minion.In Update 1.15 (30 Jul, 2020) Stormy's Zen-Chi Flow bonus was changed from double health to +100 health (total health with Zen-chi flow active was reduced from 250 to 225).In Update 1.12 (30 Apr, 2020) Stormy received the following changes:.No longer stuns himself (no longer resets his target after each attack).

minion masters best decks 2019

In Update 1.2 - Morellia the Lich Queen (19 Jun, 2019) Stormy received the following changes:.Stormy was added in Update 90 (20 Mar, 2019).Stormy deals 100 damage to itself with each attack.

minion masters best decks 2019

Stormy is one of the Minion cards in Minion Masters. Zen-Chi Flow: If the last card you played was Zen-Chi Zen-Chi Flow: Stun all enemies in range for 2 seconds. Best Mirror decks Mirror bait + Princess Minion Horde Fireball NW Mirror Miner control Goblins Ice Golem Sparky Duo Rocket Mirror Flying Machine. Shoots Chain Lightning at enemies, damaging itself in the process.

Minion masters best decks 2019