Minion masters best decks 2019 update#
In Update 1.31 - Invasion (6 January, 2022), Stormy's attack delay was reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds (4 seconds to 3.In Update 1.29 - Malediction (21 October, 2021), Stormy's health was increased from 125 to 150.In Update 1.28 - Malediction (20 September, 2021), the maximum number of bounces that Chain Lightning (Stormy's attack) can do was increased from 10 to 12.In Update 1.27 - Best Plan NO PLAN! (5 August, 2021), the Zen-Chi Flow effect of Stormy was changed from "Gain +100 Health" to "Stun all enemies in range for 2 seconds".

In Update 1.26 - Best Plan NO PLAN! (1 July, 2021), Stormy became unable to capture bridges, since it is a flying minion.In Update 1.15 (30 Jul, 2020) Stormy's Zen-Chi Flow bonus was changed from double health to +100 health (total health with Zen-chi flow active was reduced from 250 to 225).In Update 1.12 (30 Apr, 2020) Stormy received the following changes:.No longer stuns himself (no longer resets his target after each attack).

In Update 1.2 - Morellia the Lich Queen (19 Jun, 2019) Stormy received the following changes:.Stormy was added in Update 90 (20 Mar, 2019).Stormy deals 100 damage to itself with each attack.

Stormy is one of the Minion cards in Minion Masters. Zen-Chi Flow: If the last card you played was Zen-Chi Zen-Chi Flow: Stun all enemies in range for 2 seconds. Best Mirror decks Mirror bait + Princess Minion Horde Fireball NW Mirror Miner control Goblins Ice Golem Sparky Duo Rocket Mirror Flying Machine. Shoots Chain Lightning at enemies, damaging itself in the process.